Kool-Aid vs. Blood: Gut Check Your Beverage of Choice

24 May


The sweet, sugary taste of Kool-Aid; it’s quenching and delicious. More importantly, it’s easy to swallow. Your taste buds are pleased with the taste of Kool-Aid and that sweet drink calls you back for more and more. You refill your cup time and time again; though it is void of all nutritional value and can cause debilitating diseases that will lead to death if untreated or rectified – you just can’t help yourself! You’re addicted! In fact, you LOVE sugary drinks: Coke, Mountain Dew, Pepsi, Sunny D! These fantastic drinks that taste so delicious can’t possibly cause death – a few sips won’t hurt anything. But, you drink so much of it that you develop diabetes, high cholesterol, and heart problems from all that sugar…all that sugar is sending your body straight to death.

Have a glass of…blood. Blood? Blood is bitter, metallic-like. Blood leaves a bad taste in your mouth. That first taste of blood from biting your tongue causes  you to reach for the first thing you can find to wash that taste out of your mouth…here, have some Kool-Aid. Kool-Aid makes it all better. Kool-Aid takes the bitterness away, it calms the taste buds and tricks you into thinking you’ve been quenched! You can’t stand one drop of blood in your mouth, no way you would drink a whole glass of it. Drinking blood will not necessarily give you any extra health benefits – but it won’t lead to a slow and painful death like Kool-Aid will.

Drinking a cup of blood is radical, especially compared to drinking a cup of Kool-Aid. And we live in a world that LOVES to drink Kool-Aid. We live in a world that likes to sugar coat the truth because it’s easier to swallow; it makes our brains feel better. No one like the cold, hard truth. The cold hard truth is…bitter…hard to swallow…radical…blood.

Many churches and doctrine today love to give out cups of Kool-Aid, red Kool-Aid, nonetheless. It looks like blood, but it’s not bitter. It’s watered down, full of sugar, and fake. But it’s red. The Gospel of Red Kool-Aid takes the truth of Jesus and fills it with water and sugar; it’s easier to swallow, it’s widely accepted, it’s socially acceptable. The Gospel according to Red Kool-Aid enables sin, it promotes sin, and it accepts sin. In fact, the Gospel according to Red Kool-Aid will twist the Word of God to make sure you continue to sin. The Gospels according to Red Kool-Aid give you the impression that you will not die because it’s so widely accepted by society; that is some dangerous stuff, and it’s definitely not blood.

Truth, real truth, is found in the blood of Christ – it’s found in the Gospels. Not the Gospels according to Red Kool-Aid. The Gospels according to Red Kool-Aid is watered down, sugary, and will lead to your death. Physical and spiritual. The Gospels according to Red Kool-Aid tell people, “just believe that Jesus died for your sins and love everyone. Congratulations, you’re saved.” The Gospels according to Red Kool-Aid tell you that “you’re a sinner, you just can’t help yourself, you live in a fallen world and Jesus saved you.” The Gospels according to Red Kool-Aid make the blood of Jesus wasted; He did not die in vain. Lay off the Kool-Aid.

The blood of Jesus tells you the truth. It’s bitter, it’s biting, it shakes you up and it’s hard to swallow. The blood of Jesus tells you that, “yes, Jesus died for your sins, through His grace you are saved – sin no more.” Sin no more. (John 8:1-11) The blood of Jesus doesn’t make excuses for your sin, and it certainly does not tell you to keep sinning because you just can’t help yourself. You can help yourself – through the blood of Jesus, you’re not a sinner – you’re a saint. You’re not a saint by saying some words that sound “religious” or that proclaim that Jesus died for your sins. You are a saint because you’ve been made new through the blood and truth of Christ and you TURN AWAY FROM SIN.

The blood of Jesus confronts you and requires you to be honest – do you sin? Do you support the sin of others? Do you give your friends and family cups of Kool-Aid to win their favor? Kool-Aid tells you that if you’re a good person and you do good things, you have earned favor with God. Kool-Aid tells you that it’s OK to support the sins of your friends and family because Jesus loves them anyway. Matthew 7:13-14 tells us that the path and gate to eternal life are narrow – not wide. The eternal kingdom is to be free of sin, not filled with feel good, watered down excuses of ‘living in a fallen world.’

You can help yourself. You can choose to stay away from the Kool-Aid – pick up some real truth. The world will tell you its radical, and the truth of Jesus is very radical compared to this ‘feel-goodery’ world. The truth of Jesus will punch you in the stomach at first – but the more exposure to it you have, the less you desire anything else. The more you ingest the truth of Jesus, the less you accept and you’re even repulsed by what this world has to offer. Because what Jesus offers is so much greater…and forever. The only drink that brings you to eternal life is the blood of Jesus, the pure hard truth written in the Bible. It challenges you, it pushes you, it forces you to evaluate everything you think you know.

3 Responses to “Kool-Aid vs. Blood: Gut Check Your Beverage of Choice”

  1. msinop1 June 14, 2013 at 5:58 pm #

    Awesome! Love your writings, Not sugar coated (no pun intended). We need more of this, them maybe more people could be saved!!

    • 2013awaken June 15, 2013 at 3:51 am #

      Thank you very much for your kind words and taking the time to read the blog! 🙂 You know, we are called to discipleship and Jesus did not sugar-coat the truth – neither should we! We spend a lot of time worrying about being politically correct or not “challenging” others. Well – that’s not what the gospel is about! I don’t intend to sugar coat anything!

      • msinop1 June 15, 2013 at 2:35 pm #

        I actually posted Gnashing of Teeth to my facebook page and it sparked a heated debate between myself and my cousin who lives 2 states away and is an Atheist, he definitely challenged me. But, we do have love and mutual respect for eachother and I pray for his soul often. But, I believe God used this article to bring about thought provoking conversation. God Bless you and look forward to reading more posts from you!! Msinop1.wordpress.com (Marty)

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